Espace presse

International Abolitionist Congress

congres abolitionniste 2014The Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution (CAP international), The Mouvement du Nid and the Fondation Scelles are pleased to invite you to this original international conference, where will address representatives of movements of indigenous, migrant women and ethnic minorities; survivors of prostitution; Representatives of trade unions and parliamentarians.

This conference, « Prostitution and trafficking in human beings in the world : an exploitation of the most vulnerable groups », revolves around four strategic panel


- Panel 1 : Prostitution: an exploitation of the most vulnerable. The NGO representatives will present the views of the most vulnerable women and girls. The Association of the Native Women of Canada denounces the over-representation of American Indian women in prostitution and fights for the adoption of abolitionist politics, including the penalization of sex buyers. The association, Apne Aap (India), renders aide to women of the lowest classes and fights for the abolition of prostitution. The European Network of Migrant Women raises awareness about the perpetuation of racial bias in the system of prostitution, and campaigns for punishments for the clients of prostitution (Canada, India, Europe).

- Panel 2 : Prostitution: a sexual violence. Women who have been prostitutes, “survivors of prostitution,” present their experiences about the forms of violence (sexual, physical, psychological, social) they have endured as prostitutes. Today, as activists, they fight for the abolition of prostitution.
Laurence Noëlle and Rosen Hicher, co-founders of the Mouvement des survivantes de la prostitution (France), Mia De Faoite (Irland), Tanja Rahm (Denmark), Vednita Carter (USA).

- Panel 3 : Prostitution is not sex work : panel with trade unions. The trade unions’ representatives, in charge of the worker’s defense and protection, will explain why prostitution cannot be considered a “sex work”. (France, Spain, United-Kingdom, Canada, Ireland)

- Panel 4 : Parliamentary developments : presentation by Members of Parliament. France, Canada, the United Kingdom, Israel, etc... are currently discussing bills which aim at better protecting these populations. Members of Parliament will present their work in the drafting of legislative texts which represent great progress towards the abolition of prostitution.


International Abolitionist Congress
Wednesday November 12, 2014
Jacques Chaban-Delmas building - Victor Hugo room
101 rue de l'Université
Paris 7e

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